
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Trip to Our New Home Days 1 & 2

Friday morning the movers came to pack up our belongings out of our storage unit.  To pack them they apparently had to spread them all over the place first.  It looked like a complete and total mess.
Eventually all of that stuff did make it onto the moving truck, but not until it was very dark and very cold outside.  I was so tired of sitting there babysitting them all day!  Thankfully, Dave came and relieved me after he left work so he finished out the last hour in the dark and cold. 
Saturday morning we got up and packed both of our vehicles with the things that had to go with us on our cross-country trip.  We planned to leave at 10:00 but we may not have gotten out of town until 2:00...whoops...
The first day we made it to Rolla, Missouri.  We were under impressed with the accomodations but we did have a towel animal (?) that sort of made us feel like we were on a cruise ship instead of a dumpy Hampton Inn.  Sort of.  Not really though.
Since we got off to a late start that day it was pretty much straight to bed so we could wake up and do it all over again on Day 2.  The next day we drove from Rolla, MO to Oklahoma City, OK.  I am now very clear on why they refer to the Midwest as the "flyover states".  There was nothing to see, nothing to do, nothing interesting to look at.  But we did get to the hotel early enough on Day 2 for the girls to get in some quality swimming time.  
Days 1 and 2 weren't all that exciting sight-seeing wise but we managed to cover quite a bit of ground and ended up slightly ahead of our 350 mile a day goal.  

1 comment:

  1. Did the movers find anything interesting in your belongings?
